Huffington Post

L. Steven Sieden – 9/05/13

Harry Truman Meets Albert Einstein in Premier of Seattle Play

President Harry Truman and Albert Einstein are talking for the first time in Seattle. Actually, it's a "what if" play The Realm of Whispering Ghosts: If Truman Met Einstein that opened last weekend at the Bathhouse Theatre in Seattle. The play runs through September 15, and tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets.  >> complete article

Drama in the Hood

Will Rose – 9/06/13

Review: The Realm of Whispering Ghosts

“The Realm of Whispering Ghosts,” directed by Arne Zaslove with a script created by  Seattle writer K.C. Brown, is an ambitious gathering of historical fact, fictional “what ifs,” Japanese Noh theater conventions and costumes, projected images, original music, and intimate glimpses into personal and political dynamics. >> complete article

Seattle Times

Bruce Ramsey – 10/08/13

Harry Truman, Albert Einstein and the decision to drop the bomb

“Jimmy, I’m in a pickle.” So says President Harry Truman to adviser James Byrnes on the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan.

The dialogue is invented. It is part of a play called “The Realm of Whispering Ghosts: If Truman met Einstein,” by Seattle playwright Claire Zaslove (under the name of “K.C. Brown”). The play was performed last month at the Bathhouse Theatre, where it was seen by classes from Seattle Preparatory School.  >> complete article

Seattle Gay News

Miryam Gordon – 9/06/13

To bomb or not to bomb? - Hit and Run Productions follows the road not taken in 1945

If President Harry Truman had met with Albert Einstein before he dropped the A-bombs on Japan, would Einstein have dissuaded him from doing so? This 'what-if' is the generating idea behind the new play, The Realm of Whispering Ghosts: If Truman Met Einstein. >> complete article